A brain filled with result producing self-hypnosis suggestions

Goal success woman

Do you need last year’s goal list to remind you of the ones you didn’t accomplish or isn’t that necessary since they are right at the top of your New Year’s resolution list again this year?

Goals are good. They help us to recognize what is important in our lives and how we want to improve and accomplish more.

From this post series you already know that your goal needs to be clear and specific (SMART model) and links to the real reasons (the “why”) you want to change a habit pattern for the better. The “why” then links the goal to the result producing suggestions to successfully complete the process.

If you’ve ready here’s what you need to know about result producing self-hypnosis suggestions.

But first, don’t let the word “suggestion” deceive you.  A suggestion in this context is not a general idea or thought, a recommendation nor a dictatorial command containing words like “will” or “must”.

Result producing self-hypnosis suggestions are actually powerful, positive statements of persuasive change that become

– more effective when matching the goal’s intent and the “why” reason for change

– more easily processed by your brain when put in simply worded, short, concise sentences

– more efficient when using the same SMART goal model (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)

– more powerful when used as a series of suggestions that address different aspects of a habit

– more conducive to long term results when broken down into small achievable steps

So, let’s go through an actual example.

Remember our original behavior habit that we wanted to change was to stop eating pizza – not a likely successful goal since there are lots of opportunities for temptation. At the same time, the goal is not to wear a pair of jeans that is comfortable, stylish and sexy, because that is actually the motivating reason “why” for achieving your goal.

Your goal has to reflect the process that is going to get you into those jeans.  Therefore, a goal is to weigh one pound less at the end of each week for twenty weeks.

Now, match your goal to your result producing suggestions.  You can have lots of choices for weighing less but let’s continue with our pizza example.  Let’s say that you recognize you are easily tempted to eating more than your share of pizza and that reducing your consumption to 1 slice of week would contribute to succeeding at your weekly goal.

A sample series of result producing suggestions-

  1. I chose to eat one slice of pizza once a week only when I’m out with my friends.
  2. I enjoy eating my one slice of pizza when I go bowling my friends.
  3. I really find that having a green salad with my one slice of pizza easily satisfies me
  4. I notice that even eating one slice of pizza a week has already made my tight fitting clothes a little more comfortable to wear.
  5. It’s becoming easier and easier to decide if I really want my weekly slice of pizza.

Notice how these series of suggestions initially support the choice and enjoyment of continuing to eat pizza but only one slice a week.  At the same time there is also a pairing with a green salad for satisfaction, an alerting to the brain that a change in body size is anticipated, as well as, deciding whether to really want a slice of pizza after all.

Do the these suggestions match the goal? Yes, in that are contributing to reducing weight. But, are they sufficient on their own? Well, that depends what other not so positive eating habits there are.  But, the idea is to start with something that is doable and provides an experience of success.  Once, the brain experiences success with an uncoupling of old behavior and a new rewiring to the desired behavior, it will be easier for your brain to complete the goal process.

In Step #2, we’ll focus on how to develop a mind set resistant to temptations and sabotage.