Brain meditation for those with no time

Over the last few posts I’ve been pointing out some of the key benefits of brain meditation.

  1. Your brain brain is not an on/off switch, but actually has different levels of energy frequencies
  2. Being able to access these different levels of energy can take the stress off your active thinking mind
  3. Brain functions of focus, attention, clarity of thought, problem solving and memory improve with access to the slower alpha and theta energies
  4. Activity to the prefrontal cortex increases critical thinking skills, stimulates a greater sense of well being and reduces stress and anxiety.

In the 24/7 world that we live in, the demands on your brain skills have never been greater than in all of human history. If you took a few minutres right now to recall all of the activities you have been engaged in so far today and the thinking skills you needed to perform you would be amazed.

We have become so accustomed to life’s faster pace that we don’t give much thought to how much more caffeine and other stimulants we take to get us through the day. Then we wonder why we literally crash at night tired and exhausted but unable to sleep. It seems our brain is still working on all the thoughts of things we have to do tommorrow and what we didn’t get done today.

There’s a name for it. Actually, there are several names – mental exhaustion, burn-out, fried brains, brain dead, scrambled brains, overwhelmend and brain freeze. It makes no difference they all mean the same.

If you want your car to run at high performance you treat it well. If you want your brain to run at high performance then you have to treat it well with some meditation. It doesn’t mean you have to trek off to the Himalayas or spend hours in a contorted pose. You can start with some simple 5 minute videos and then move on to what you feel comfortable with.

The basic idea here is to give your brain a break and learn about how much it has to offer you.

Here is a simple video to start you off.  Enjoy.