Increase brain performance with a brain play date

Play with legosBeing an entrepreneur requires a lot of brain performance. It’s also a lonely job for you as well as your brain.

Many times your brain is in social isolation in order to complete projects and attend to all those behind-the-scenes aspects of your business. You might counter and say that may be true to some degree, but protest by saying “I’m not really socially cut-off.” “I have Facebook and tons of email contacts to engage with.”

Let’s stop kidding yourself right here.

Social means engaging your brain with real live people, face-to-face in a social environment.

When you’re on your computer your brain engages with thoughts, ideas and the processing and interpretation of static words. Webchats may raise the bar a bit with some visual and auditory stimulation. But, again it’s you interfacing alone in your room.

Well, what about networking?

That’s going out and meeting people. Yes, good for business, but not a break for your brain. Why? … because you’re still asking your brain to perform in business mode.

Ever get tired of going to the same restaurant and you’re really for something new?

Well, your brain is always ready for something new. Simulating those neurons with new exposures is what increases brain performance. Your brain is always building mental models of the world around you. By engaging in playful things you stimulate creativity, relieve stress and expand your brain resources.

So, it’s time to leave the office behind and let your brain out to play.

Not sure how to get started? Reconnect with nearby friends and set up a play date.

  • Go to your nearest theme park and get on all those rides that kids love
  • Get Lego’s sets and let everyone build whatever they want
  • Grab a pizza and get your gaming coins for passionate play at the indoor play center
  • Visit the park after the children have left and swing and slide to your heart’s content
  • Get the finger paint sets out and make a mess

People might think your crazy, but when you’re back in your office brain performance will be up and ready to work.