De-cluttering your brain


Recently I came across a blog post  about de-cluttering. It caught my attention because I’ve been meaning to get around to it, definitely need to do it, and I’ll take all the advice I can get to make it easier.


Reading through De-Cluttering Strategies to Create the Space You Want  by Tanya Levy, I was surprised to find two strategies that can also work for de-cluttering your brain.


We all know about how our “stuff” can quickly clutter up our lives. However, we’ve probably never given it much thought to what’s been cluttering up our brains.


Two Brain De-cluttering Strategies


The first strategy is to  Feel It.   


It’s amazing how much our brains are cluttered up with all these memories and feelings from years gone by. Yet, in an instant, it can seemingly play out a memory with all of its feelings and sensations.


Some of these memories and the feelings are fondly recalled while others are less so. Anything can trigger a memory experience. This is because our brain stays linked to the event and the sensations and emotions associated with it. Whether it’s a fragrance, a color, a sound, a wandering thought or a physical memento, our brain will efficiently pull it out it of the vaults and route it into our conscious awareness.


The second strategy is to Let It Go.  The idea is to let go of the emotions associated with memories that are taking up space but no longer serving us. There can be lots of de-energizing emotions like anger, sorrow, disappointment, and sadness. Letting them go can be tough since we’ve carried  them around with us for a long time.


Sometimes with age and distance, you can look back and see things differently. You can decide to clean house, take some time to feel, reflect, and determine what’s important to remember and what’s okay to let go of.


Other times, the memories and emotions are still strong. This is when a professional can be of assistance in helping you clear out any clutter you’re ready to deal with.


Maybe it’s time to consider some brain de-cluttering. After all, it’ll free up space for all the new and more important things in your life. 


What’s been cluttering up your brain lately?