Female Brain Is Willing to Give Up Sex for the Internet

If you were asked … “Would you give up sex for two weeks in order to have the same amount of access time to the Internet,” what would you say? Don’t rush to judgment here. I know not everyone has that choice option in their lives right now.  But, if you had to choose which would it be – Sex or Internet?  CBR003113

The Intel Corporation (those super computer chip makers) surveyed 2,119 adults over the age of 18 about Internet attitudes. 65% of men and women said they could not live without the Internet and 95% agreed that having Internet access was important.

However, almost half of the women (46%) as opposed to the men (30%) were willing to give up sex for two weeks in order not to lose two weeks of Internet access. When examined by age breakdown – 49% of women ages 18-34 and 52% of women ages 35-44 are willing to give up sex in favor of the Internet. (Men might be getting a raw deal here.)

When given the choice between TV and the Internet, 61% of women were willing to give up watching 2 weeks of TV in order to have 1 week of Internet access. This was close to the 58% average of both men and women who were willing to abandon TV in favor of the Internet. (Does not bode well for the future of  TV.)

What’s going on in the female brain? 

It’s the right brain social/emotional connections that are being carried over from the social environment to the Internet community of social experiences.

Consider where the female brain is hanging out:

Facebook: 57%

Twitter: ave. 57%

Yelp: ave. 57%

My Space: 64%

Ning: 59%

LinkedIn: 50%

YouTube: 50%

Flicker: 55%

According, to Rapleaf, a social medial data company, women between the ages of 35 to 50 and married are the fastest growing user segment of social networking.  Auren Hoffman, CEO predicts that “the future of social media is going to be all about the women.”

With that in mind, who has time for sex?

by Joyce Hansen