Grow Your Mindset, Grow Your Business, Grow Your Brain

grow your mindset, grow your businessDo you make any attempt to grow your business? Of course you do. But, every business hits a plateau from time to time and it refuses to budge until there’s an effort made to get out of a comfort mindset?

Why wait to hit a business plateau? Isn’t it better to grow your business with a plan to grow your mindset at the same time?

How do you grow a mindset?

  • realize that if your do nothing, nothing grows
  • read my earlier post Is it time to shift your business mindset? for a quick update on the attitude differences between a fixed and a growth mindset
  • be willing to get out of your comfort mindset
  • switch your attention to becoming a life long learner

The one change in a growth-oriented business mindset I want to share with you today is becoming a life long learner.

Yes, there are other significant things you can do to change a mindset, but none will have the greatest and most profitable impact on you, your brain and your business as this.

What is life long learning?

– the on-going continuation of learning beyond formal education

– the self-motivated need to improve in areas for personal, career or business advancements

– the acquisition of additional knowledge, skills or competence

– the satisfaction of curiosity

– the desire to be informed and contribute in a changing world

Why life long learning is good for your brain

– creates cognitive reserve – the more we learn, the more our brain and memory has to draw upon as we age

– stimulates brain plasticity – forms new neural networks for internal processing and communication

– stimulates neurogensis – forms new brain cells to replace our overworked and used-up brain cells 

– keeps the brain flexible and adaptable in a world constantly changing

– rewards the brain with a sense of self-confidence and accomplishment

Why life long learning is good for your business

– creates an atmosphere for better critical thinking and decision strategies

– fosters creativity and problem solving skills

– challenges old attitudes and beliefs of what’s possible

– encourages technological updates

– provides insight into changing preferences, styles and trends

– enhances current skills and the development of new skills

– expands a knowledge base with innovative information

– creates flexibility to meet changing customer demands and expectations

– stimulates the imagination to find alternative solutions

– reframes mistakes into learning opportunities rather than failures

– reduces the fear of undertaking challenges

Think of the expectations you have of the professionals in your life – your doctor, your surgeon, your pharmacist, your mechanic, your tax and investment advisors, your children’s teachers and others.

Don’t’ you expect the best services from these professionals based on their willingness to grow in their mindsets through life long learning?

Then, why not you the business professional?

What are you doing to grow your business mindset?


Image: pixaby 564734