Brain Differences: Her Brain/His Brain

Katelynn shouts “You don’t understand me!” Joshua retorts “I can’t figure you out!” This is the most common conversation lovers eventually have. But from a brain perspective it’s an everyday conversation between two brains.

When Katelynn and Joshua began their I’m so in love with you stage, both their brains are mesmerized by unexplainable feelings of attraction – almost as if they fused into a mutual brain of love and understanding. They both deeply believe their love for each other will prevail over their differences. Little do they know that one of their major differences will be their respective brain differences.

Before they met, Katelynn’s female brain ran her life as Joshua’s male brain did the same. Now these two will find themselves in a personal relationship and in a brain relationship. As their personal relationship unfolds their mutual brain simpatico will start to somewhat disengage as each of their brains attempts to get back to their usual habit patterns.

Brain Differences

Every brain is made up of two hemispheres, right and left lobes (right and left brain). Each hemisphere has specialty functions – some are prominent others quite subtle. This means Katelynn’s and Joshua’s everyday brains move back and forth between the left and right hemispheres, but overall each will favor one hemisphere over the other for most of its processing.

Traditionally, females favor the right brain and males favor the left brain.

Conversational conflicts arise when the right brain is looking for understanding and sympathy and the left brain is trying to figure it out with a logical explanation. This is a generality as both women and men can also favor the non-traditional hemisphere.

There can also be other influencing factors that affect which brain hemisphere is the most comfortable and natural to operate from. But for the most part women are more adept at right brain skills as men are adept at left brain skills.

The ensuing time spent with a brain that favors a different hemisphere than yours is what life is all about.

Some brain relationships don’t last very long; others last a lifetime. If you ask people who are in long term loving relationships, they will tell you they no longer are about trying to understand or to figure it out. Rather they say the secret is to simply ignore or accept the things the other does that drives you crazy.