Hollywood Actress Has One of Each – a Left Brain Child and a Right Brain Child

Hollywood actress, Reese Witherspoon was recently featured in People.com discussing her parenting style. Beside the importance of manners and discipline she wants her children to have family fun activities where ever they are. When visiting her home town of Nashville, TN she lets her children freely run around outside and when back in Los Angeles she will do something like the farmer’s market.  


At the farmer’s market, Reese gives her son and her daughter each $5 and tells them they can spend it, save it or spend part of it and save the rest. One child spends the money rather quickly. The other child will go around the market for a half hour weighing the possibilities until a purchase is made.


Can you guess which one of her children is operating from the left brain and which is operating from the right brain when making a purchase? 


If you guessed that her daughter was one who spent her money right away, you would be wrong, wrong, wrong. The reason being the brains of men and women have significant differences and each has a natural affinity for using one side of their brain hemisphere over the other even when it comes to money. 


Men traditionally favor their left brain and it means they are more direct, know what they want or quickly decide and make their purchase. Women traditionally favor their right brain and are more likely to consider the possibilities, looking for the best value and not be rushed into a purchase. Sound familiar? 


Now, you have been warned.  If you are shopping with a person of the opposite sex, prepare yourself.  It is either going to require patience and waiting or it’s going to be quick with a specific let’s get it now and be done with it.