Step 4 How to deliver result producing suggestions personally to your brain

result producing suggestionsThe only voices you should be hearing in your head are the sounds of your internal voice and the soundtrack of your own voice when you hear yourself speak.

Your brain only recognizes these two voice tracks as being and coming from you. All other voices are not you. It doesn’t mean however, that the voices of others don’t affect you and your brain. You probably can recall any number of voices from people in authority during sometime in your life telling you what to do – whether they be parents, teachers, bosses or anyone trying to convey their point of view over another.

Your brain has a unique way to responding to all of these voices. It determines which voices it will pay attention to and if you will respond to what is being asked of you. Now, imagine there is another internal voice that you never hear, and that is the voice of your subconscious mind. Besides your internal thinking dialogue there is also another track of unverbalized voices from your subconscious mind.

Using our favorite pizza example again, your subconscious mind upon getting this new suggestion for eating only one slice a pizza a week probably responds with …

  • “ Oh, yeah!”
  • “ You got to be kidding me”
  • “ Didn’t work last time”
  • “If I want pizza, I get pizza”

Now with self-hypnosis suggestions you have to persuade your subconscious voices to change their tune.

In regular hypnosis, either with a practitioner or a media CD or download, your subconscious will respond to direct and indirect suggestions for change. This occurs because of a combination of quality of the speaker’s voice, a sense of trusting that voice and a willingness to participate in this type of external hypnosis process.

However, in self-hypnosis, there is no external voice, it’s only your voice. Some prefer to do their self-hypnosis using their internal thinking voice – giving instructions for relaxing and deepening, then their specific suggestions and finally a suggestion to return to consciousness.

Others find that listening to a pre-recording of their own voice allows them to relax and experience deeper levels of alpha or theta brain waves without having to monitor moving through each step of the self-hypnosis process.

This method is 10x more effective than other methods because it’s the sound of your own voice that is acting as the convincing authroity message to your subconscious to rewire for goal achievement.

The old method was to record your voice on audio tape and play it back on a cassette recorder. Today, it’s so easy and quick to do, you won’t believe it.

Today, all it takes is to record your self-hypnosis suggestions on your cell phone or any digital recorder, either of which can be either played back or downloaded. Another option is to record through you computer with a program like Audacity and then upload to your MP3 player.

The only issue that comes up is that some people are unhappy with the sound of their recordings because they don’t believe it sounds like them.

Here’s what is actually happening.

When you speak, the vibration of your external voice becomes the sound you hear because it vibrates not only through the soft brain tissue but also through the bone conduction of your skull. Actually, your entire body, including your bones, registers and transmits vibrations into all the sounds you hear.

Now, with a recording, you are hearing your same voice, but almost as if it’s coming through a filter and it doesn’t sound like you at all. But if you ask someone else, they will say it sounds exactly like you.

This awareness that your recorded voice is different from what you think it should be is only due to hearing your voice from an outside source (not your own voice directly). But, it makes no difference to your brain, which automatically recognizes it as you.

When you use your own voice to impart your self-hypnosis suggestions not only does your brain respond to the voice of authority – YOU, but so does your subconscious.

And, once you get your subconscious on board you’re on a faster track for the success you want.

Now, all you have to do is pop in your ear buds and you’re ready to give yourself a personalized result producing suggestions anytime that convenient for you. You can make quick 5 or 10 minute segments with simple reinforcement suggestions and save the 15-20 minute deeper segments to play when you have private time or just before you’re ready to fall asleep.

What’s next?

Step 5 – finalizing your goal program and getting ready to celebrate the new You.