Step 5 Finally your have a goal program your brain likes

Setting a goal to achieve success has to be more than a New Year’s resolution.  Goal setting at this time is a holiday ritual. There’s no mention of last year’s failures and no one asks. The only question is what on your list this year.

Those that specialize in coaching or teaching how to achieve one’s goal will tell you that not only do goals have to be written down, but they also need to be part of an overall goal plan, blueprint or map. These are designed so you can move step-by-step to where you want to be 12 months from now.

A goal program breaks the goal down into a series of doable steps. This requires identifying what action steps are necessary since just deciding to accomplish a goal by will power alone rarely succeeds.

Goals achieved by a plan, blueprint or a map are best for projects, but when it comes to goals for personal growth the internal computer that runs the show (i.e, brain’s subconscious) needs to be part of the process if there is going to be any long term success.

To finalize the success of achieving your goal you need to be sure that you’ve covered the brain bases as well.

You brain likes things simple so create your goal and self-hypnosis suggestions using the SMART model

Make sure your brain is really motivated to change by getting to the real reason “why” you want to accomplish your goal

Anticipate your brain will get side-tracked by distractions and obstructions

Use your brain’s natural language preference (i.e., visual, auditory or kinesthetic) for in-synch communication

Acknowledge that your brain likes the pleasure sensation that comes from dopamine stimulation of the old behavior, so you need to find an equal or better replacement

Create meaningful messages of change your brain can understand by linking your goal and motivating “why” to your specific self-hypnosis suggestions

Turn your self-hypnosis suggestions into result producing ones by monitoring and revising your goal plan for better brain responses

Realize your brain is more cooperative if you don’t pull-the-plug on the old behavior immediately but have a transition phase of leading from the old to the new

Allow yourself the time to deeply relax into alpha or theta brain waves so your subconscious can be more receptive to the changes you are suggesting

Recognize your within your brain is also an overall mind set based on long held beliefs, feelings, attitudes and they do must be on board for the success of your goal

Finally, one of your greatest success tools for changing you subconscious programming of your brain is recording your self-hypnosis suggestion in your own voice – the best authority voice your brain will ever pay attention to

And don’t forget to reward yourself for each step of progress along the way, because your brain likes to be rewarded too.

All of this sounds like a lot.

But, the programming within your brain is ultimately running the show. So, if you make your brain your partner in achieving your goals this year, you will be on the fast track to success with an empty list of cross-out things to accomplish this year.
