Ten questions to ask before clicking on that Buy Now button

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Does your brain suffer from opportunity overflow? If your inbox is filled with daily opportunities to grow your business faster, get new custom plug-ins to save time, VIP coaching programs, social media how-to’s to increase visibility and attract buyers, you’ve got opportunity overflow.

It all sounds so good and with credit card in hand you’re ready to hit the Buy Now button to take your business to the next level.

Here’s the problem —

These great opportunities are asking you to make a quick emotional brain decision when you really should be making a business brain decision.

A business brain decision allows you to spend more brain time thinking through options, advantages and disadvantages before going ahead with a commitment.

However, now you’re faced with a quick decision driven by the emotional stimulating language of the “limited-time offer.”

You know the pitch –

  • This special offer ends at midnight tonight!
  • If you order now, you’ll get these extra bonuses!
  • Price is going up!
  • There are only 3 left!
  • Closing the doors and this offer will never be made again!

This is not about the validity of an offer being made, but rather how can you make a quick decision that’s  in the best interests of your business.

Before you click on that Buy Now button ask yourself these basic 10 questions.

  1. Is the offer in alignment with my core business strategy?
  2. Do the package benefits match my business criteria?
  3. Is the information too basic or too advanced for me?
  4. Besides the guarantee, is this a trustworthy marketer with a good reputation?
  5. What does my gut feeling, intuition or my heart tell me?
  6. Is the fear of missing out on a great deal pushing me in the direction of purchasing?
  7. Is my “BS” meter getting turned on by anything I heard or read?
  8. If I don’t make this purchase what’s the worst that can happen?
  9. Is the price reasonable for what’s being offered and can I afford it at this time?
  10. How many other programs have I purchased that I’ve not yet used or partially started?

By stopping to ask yourself these basic 10 questions, you’re giving you business brain, rather than your emotional brain, the chance to make the best decision for you and your business.

Once you have your answers, you’ll have a good idea whether to click or not to click on that Buy Now button with confidence.

If you have a Buy Now button story or comment please share. We love to hear about your Buy Now experience.