The Women of Alzheimer’s – Maria Shriver

Maria Shriver is the daughter of a parent with Alzheimer’s but she is also one of the most vocal in exposing the impact of Alzheiemer’s on women.

The Shiver Report focuses on how women are and will suffer the brunt of the Alzheimer’s epidemic. The report cites daunting statistics of a cost well beyond the $300 billion a year currently being spent and how it will economically affect the 60% of women with Alzheimer’s and the 60% of care giving provided by women. 

The Shriver Report is also the first to discuss the serious implications of how Alzheimer’s will strain families, our society and our economy.  

The report points out the need to address −

  • Caregiver support and coaching to deal with difficult and changing circumstances
  • More affordable care to relieve caregivers of stress and negative emotions
  • Increasing support for men who become caregivers
  • Flexibility in the workplace for caregivers who must continue to work
  • Making available support easier to get from health service providers
  • Long term care insurance that is less costly
  • Greater government assistance

The Shiver Report is our warning. If we don’t begin to address these issues now, the enormity of the problem will overtake us and time is running out.
