What’s wrong with us?

Can someone please explain to me what’s wrong with us women that we can’t be considered nor treated as an equal participating member of this society?  

It doesn’t seem to be an unreasonable question given the headlines  — gender gap headlines that speak for themselves. I’ve picked five news stories from Women’s eNews, an online international news source about women, with links to the original stories. You be the judge. 

It seems money is still no equal partner to women, yet there’s no disparity when it comes to paying the bills.  

Non-Union Retail Workers Bear Costs of Bias by Samantha Kimmey, WeNews correspondent  

“Female retail workers in the New York area experience hardships common in a sector plagued by low pay, little health insurance, scheduling instability and an abuse of part-time job status, a Retail Action Project report finds today.”  http://www.womensenews.org/story/equal-payfair-wage/120116/non-union-retail-workers-bear-costs-bias

Female CFOs in U.S. Paid Less Than Men, Study Finds by Danielle Ivory

“Male chief financial officers at U.S. companies are paid an average of 16 percent more than female counterparts of similar  age at companies with comparable market values, according to a study,Bloomberg.com reported  April 2.” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-04-02/female-cfos-in-u-s-paid-16-less-than-men-study-finds.html  

Report: 60% of Older Women Can’t Afford Basics by Sharon Johnson, WeNews senior correspondent  

The annual income of the typical older woman was $14,000 in 2010, compared with the older man’s $24,300, finds a March 29 report from Wider Opportunities for Women. More elderly women live alone, which contributes to their financial insecurity. http://www.womensenews.org/story/retirement/120328/report-60-older-women-cant-afford-basics  

If you’re a woman with moderate knee arthritis, you might want to consider getting a second opinion.  

Surgery Bias Based on Gender? It Could Be True! by Dr. Mary I. O’Connor  

“In cases of moderate knee arthritis, a study showed that an orthopedic surgeon is 22 times more likely to  recommend knee replacement surgery to a male patient than to a female patient presenting  the same level of pain and functional limitations, reported the Huffington Post April  5.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mary-i-oconnor/surgery-bias_b_1396356.html

You don’t have to ask how much time you spend on Facebook, you already know the answer to that. But, you should be asking why there are no women on their board of directors.  

Facebook under fire (again) for all-male board by Dara Kerr 

“The Face It Campaign, launched April 2, draws attention to Facebook’s all-male board. Women are the majority of Facebook users and produce 62 percent of its content, according to the campaign.” http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-57410269-93/facebook-under-fire-again-for-all-male-board/

 Source: http://womensenews.org/