Why It’s Easy to Self-Sabotage Success



Ever wonder why there’re times when you self-sabotage your success? Maybe you don’t see it that way. It’s really someone else or something else that throws a kink into your plans that  keep you from being successful.


Actually, self-sabotage is just another way to perpetuate your fear of success. 


No one sets out to sabotage their success. However, if your success is not on track for happening, you might want to consider you’ve got some sabotaging agents of your own working against you.


Self-sabotage and the subconscious mind


The primary hiding place for self-sabotage is in your subconscious mind. While your subconscious has no specific location in your brain, we know one of its functions is to act like a memory chip. It’s also


  • Very subjective, no logic or rationalizing here
  • Wired into your emotional network
  • Sends information  to your conscious mind ASAP
  • Recognizes patterns and previous responses
  • Creates habits for you to shorten response time
  • Likes predictability and resists change
  • Loves comfort and avoids pain as much as possible
  • Acts to protect and keep your mind and body safe
  • Serves as the repository for all your beliefs, attitudes and frames of reference


Self-sabotage and your belief system


Beliefs are a collection of thoughts and feelings that come from your unique experiences and what you’ve learned. They are programmed into a memory database and reflect how you interpret and respond your world.


They also have a wide range of expression – logical to illogical, factual to delusional, fixed to fluid, and experiential to adoptive.


When it comes to fear of success, limiting beliefs are in charge. Click To Tweet


A limiting belief is a belief that overrides anything that is new or different that challenges any of the previously programmed beliefs.  For example, a programmed  belief can be-


Having a business of your own is risky.

You need a certain amount of luck to be successful.

Entrepreneurs have a high rate of business failures.

Success takes a lot of work.


When a business opportunity presents itself with dollar signs of success, you’re excited. You start off high and find yourself eventually putting it on the back burner. That’s when you know you’ve experienced self-sabotage by your limiting beliefs.


Limiting beliefs make self-sabotage possible


Despite what we want, what we’ve programmed will be the first line of defense against anything that’s new, challenging and inconsistent with what we already believe.


Limiting beliefs have the power to confront your conscious desire with what’s been programmed into your database. If they find the desire to be inconsistent with your subconscious beliefs, up goes the resistance shield to making any changes.


And, we all know success requires making changes. So, no surprise here.


The good side of self-sabotage


Self-sabotage is all about making it easy to stay consistent with what you know and what you have come to believe. It’s about reducing risk, playing it safe, preventing disappointments, minimizing discomfort or pain, having predictability and knowing where you’re at.


It means well, but it’s not in your favor to grow or be successful in a new endeavor.


What makes it good is that it requires you to  make a concerted effort to choose to go after what you desire. It means being risky, not playing it safe, getting disappointed, incurring discomfort and pain, dealing with unpredictability and feeling lost at times. And, best of all, it makes you create new success programs for your database.


What’s your success desire that’s been slow in manifesting?









Image: Pixabay – 28857